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Irene Chabr is a visual artist based in Zurich, Switzerland. She studied at Zurich University of the Arts.

In her work Chabr investigates the circulation and endless reenactments of specific image practices and gestures in the age of social media. In search of the recurrence of «pathos formulas» (Aby Warburg), following their wanderings through time, space and media, she creates a constantly expanding and changing image complex. Her installations and collages draw on this ever-growing archive collected from the web, from the artist’s visual memories and old family photo albums. Her practice further explores the entanglement between verbal and visual images. 

Irene Chabr’s work has been exhibited at Hamburger Kunsthalle, Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Berlin, Kunsthalle Nürnberg & Kunsthaus Nürnberg, KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation Düsseldorf, among many others.

From 2012 until 2017 she worked as an artistic research assistance at the Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts, Zürich, where she enriched her artistic practice with scientific perspectives. Chabr received grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Dahlem Junior Host Program (FU Berlin). She currently teaches at F+F Schule für Kunst und Design Zürich.

Please send an e-mail to receive a portfolio with further details about Irene Chabr’s CV and work.


Gestaltung: Esther Rieser
Code: Roger Burkhard