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Wandernde Gesten I-VII


2015-2022, inkjet prints, honeycomb paperboard panels

2022 – Hamburger Kunsthalle: Give and Take
2021 – Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden: Crossing Borders
2020 – Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin: Eintritt in ein Lebewesen
2019 – Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg: Amateurfotografie
2018 – Kunsthalle Nürnberg & Kunsthaus Nürnberg: News Flash
2017 – KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION, Düsseldorf: Affect Me
2015 – station21, Zürich: Images in Circulation

In her long-term project Wandernde Gesten (Wandering Gestures) Irene Chabr examines the circulation and endless reenactments of certain gestures that are related to contemporary protest movements. In search of the recurrence of „pathos formulas“ (Aby Warburg), following their wanderings through time, space and media, she creates a constantly expanding and changing image complex. Her installations draw on this ever-growing archive collected from social networks. 

The research-based project Wandernde Gesten is process-oriented. It is conceived as a work-in-progress. For each exhibition a new version is created that reflects the artist’s current focus of engagement with the image material and takes up a certain aspect of the previous installation. The images shift, overlap, more are added, new references and constellations form. Each version of Wandernde Gesten is temporary. It is neither kept nor sold, but only documented photographically.

Each installation is composed of image and text elements. The images with their affective dynamics are accompanied by a factual list of the slogans, hashtags, protest campaigns, the circulations and sources of each image.

Photographic Documentation: Flurin Bertschinger (I),  Anette Kradisch (III), Eric Tschernow (V)